Omega Chapter held its annual autumn fundraiser November 14, 2024 to raise money for its 2025 Grants-in-Aid recipients. This year generous Omegans gave over $4000 to go to local high school seniors matriculating in education. Each recipient will receive a scholarship of $1000 toward their education costs.
This was an outstanding, collective effort by Omegan sisters.
Well done!!
Submitted by Gail Francis Burr

Caroling in December
Omega Chapter Christmas carolers at Quail Summit, a retirement community in Canandaigua :.
L-R Standing: President Dawn Scales, Phyllis Frantel, Cheryl Fisher, Deb Poplasky, Tom Poplasky, Sally Maxson
Kneeling L-R: Denise Clark, Gail Rumsey.,
This is an annual tradition for the Chapter members.
Caption and Photo Courtesy of Gail Francis Burr
Budding Reader Program
Summer 2023, the Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma took on a community project with the Budding Reader program to support the UPK, Kindergarten and First Grade Teachers from 7 surrounding school districts. The Budding Reader Program provided 8 to 9 new, hard cover children’s books to be presented to each teacher at the beginning of this school year. The Omega Chapter put together and packaged the bundles which have now been delivered to the schools!
Summer 2023, the Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma took on a community project with the Budding Reader program to support the UPK, Kindergarten and First Grade Teachers from 7 surrounding school districts. The Budding Reader Program provided 8 to 9 new, hard cover children’s books to be presented to each teacher at the beginning of this school year. The Omega Chapter put together and packaged the bundles which have now been delivered to the schools!
Text and Photos Provided by Dawn Scales
Active Educator Appreciation Project

In times of a crisis, Omega sisters have been known to rise to the challenge. Teacher Appreciation Week offered a unique opportunity for Omega retirees to step-up and do just that for their sister educators who have been working in this unprecedented time of havoc, upheaval and health risk. Going from real to virtual practically overnight did not come without its share of frustration and stress.
To show their appreciation to their sisters for going above and beyond normal expectations in a difficult time, Omega retirees gifted their 12 active educators with baskets of personal and professional items carefully selected to fill needs and help alleviate stress. Baskets included a variety of items, such as scented candles, gift cards for coffee, take-out and spa indulges, extension cords for multiple devices, flowers, professional and literary books, bottles of water and prizes for students. Each basket was tailored to the educator's individual "wish list."
Omega retirees give kudos and thanks to our sisters "in the trenches" who have worked tirelessly to adjust, adapt, create and innovate to ensure that their students remain engaged and motivated learners in a challenging time.
Submitted Text and Photo by Gail Burr - May 2021
To show their appreciation to their sisters for going above and beyond normal expectations in a difficult time, Omega retirees gifted their 12 active educators with baskets of personal and professional items carefully selected to fill needs and help alleviate stress. Baskets included a variety of items, such as scented candles, gift cards for coffee, take-out and spa indulges, extension cords for multiple devices, flowers, professional and literary books, bottles of water and prizes for students. Each basket was tailored to the educator's individual "wish list."
Omega retirees give kudos and thanks to our sisters "in the trenches" who have worked tirelessly to adjust, adapt, create and innovate to ensure that their students remain engaged and motivated learners in a challenging time.
Submitted Text and Photo by Gail Burr - May 2021
Each biennium, every Chapter in NYSO DKG has the opportunity to recognize one distinguished woman from their Chapter as a Woman of Distinction. The Award commenced in 2003 and is presented at the biennial NYSO President’s Convention by the State Educational Excellence Committee.
A woman of distinction is a DKG member who has contributed to her Chapter in a significant way. She supports and promotes DKG. Perhaps she is an Officer or a quiet person working behind the scenes. It is up to each Chapter to set their criteria for the nomination. Chapter Presidents, or their designee, submits the following information to the State Chair of the Educational Excellence Committee by the end of January:
* Chapter Name and Chapter Number
* Name of Nominee – (Please check spelling)
* Name and Email of Person submitting the Nomination
Selection of the Chapter Woman of Distinction Award takes some thoughtfulness and discussion as a Chapter. NYSO FDF Sales have “Woman of Distinction” pins that are for sale at the biennial Convention in case your Chapter or your nominee would like to purchase one.
List of Omega Woman of Distinction Recipients 2003-present
A woman of distinction is a DKG member who has contributed to her Chapter in a significant way. She supports and promotes DKG. Perhaps she is an Officer or a quiet person working behind the scenes. It is up to each Chapter to set their criteria for the nomination. Chapter Presidents, or their designee, submits the following information to the State Chair of the Educational Excellence Committee by the end of January:
* Chapter Name and Chapter Number
* Name of Nominee – (Please check spelling)
* Name and Email of Person submitting the Nomination
Selection of the Chapter Woman of Distinction Award takes some thoughtfulness and discussion as a Chapter. NYSO FDF Sales have “Woman of Distinction” pins that are for sale at the biennial Convention in case your Chapter or your nominee would like to purchase one.
List of Omega Woman of Distinction Recipients 2003-present
DKG International Emergency Relief Fund
At its September 2017 Chapter Meeting, the Omega Chapter membership approved a motion to donate $1000 to the NYSO DKG Emergency Relief Fund to be earmarked specifically to aid the victims of the recent hurricanes in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico. The Chapter is using monies from the deceased Past President Shirley Crosby Fund to make this contribution.
Omega Chapter Grant(s)-in-Aid Program

The Grants-In-Aid Program, started in 1985, is an important program to advance the professional interest and position of women in education.
Initially, Omega raised funding through our November auction to fund Finger Lakes Community College women students entering college in the field of education.
It is interesting to note current Omega members Kerry Smartt and Karen Busby were recipients of our awards and are now members of Omega! Grants have varied in amount from $500 to $1,000.
Presently, Omega has shifted to honoring high school women going into the field of education with $750 grants given after successful completion of one college semester. Recipients were awarded their Grant(s)-in-Aid at their individual high school awards programs. In addition, awardees and their families were invited to meet Omega members for a congratulations dinner in June. Awardees shared their application essays that included their future plans.
We are proud of this thirty-seven year program that supports high school women in our respective school districts, pursuing a career in education. We plan to continue to improve our commitments with each school district and encourage applications from young women, pursuing a career in education.
List of Grant(s)-in Aid Recipients1985 - present
Initially, Omega raised funding through our November auction to fund Finger Lakes Community College women students entering college in the field of education.
It is interesting to note current Omega members Kerry Smartt and Karen Busby were recipients of our awards and are now members of Omega! Grants have varied in amount from $500 to $1,000.
Presently, Omega has shifted to honoring high school women going into the field of education with $750 grants given after successful completion of one college semester. Recipients were awarded their Grant(s)-in-Aid at their individual high school awards programs. In addition, awardees and their families were invited to meet Omega members for a congratulations dinner in June. Awardees shared their application essays that included their future plans.
We are proud of this thirty-seven year program that supports high school women in our respective school districts, pursuing a career in education. We plan to continue to improve our commitments with each school district and encourage applications from young women, pursuing a career in education.
List of Grant(s)-in Aid Recipients1985 - present
Omega Auction

Each November, the Omega Chapter hosts an auction to raise funds for its Grant(s)-in-Aid Program. Members contribute baskets, homemade gifts and foods, and other items that are auctioned off both in silent and live auctions. Things can get quite lively as members try to out-bid one another for that special something.
The annual Auction is always a well-attended event with lots of guests, laughs and fellowship all for a wonderful cause.
In November 2024, over $4000 was raised for the Grant(s)-in-Aid Program. Grant(s)-in-aid recipients will be selected before the end of the school year. Typically, the recipients and their families attend the June business meeting.
The annual Auction is always a well-attended event with lots of guests, laughs and fellowship all for a wonderful cause.
In November 2024, over $4000 was raised for the Grant(s)-in-Aid Program. Grant(s)-in-aid recipients will be selected before the end of the school year. Typically, the recipients and their families attend the June business meeting.
Police Support Bags Project

Omega members dedicated their October 2016 Chapter meeting to supporting the efforts of local School Resource Officers. John Peck, School Resource Officer from Red Jacket Central School District, was invited to be the featured speaker.
Mr. Peck explained that the School Resource Officer Program started in 1952 in Flint, Michigan. Events such as the 1999 Columbine school massacre gave the School Resource Officer program more of an impetus. n recent years, the primary goal of the program is the safety and security of staff and students so that learning can take place in a safe environment. Mr. Peck emphasized that building positive relationships with the police, youth and their families is the foundation of the program. In addition, School Resource Officers maintain the roles of law educator, law counselor and law enforcer. Resource Officers offer classroom presentations on topics such as internet, bike and Halloween safety. They also read aloud to elementary students and engage in discussions with older students on legal issues in Government and Social Studies classes, drug and alcohol programs, and programs on vehicle safety.
After Mr. Peck's informative presentation, Omega members worked together to make support bags to distribute to local school resource officers.
Mr. Peck explained that the School Resource Officer Program started in 1952 in Flint, Michigan. Events such as the 1999 Columbine school massacre gave the School Resource Officer program more of an impetus. n recent years, the primary goal of the program is the safety and security of staff and students so that learning can take place in a safe environment. Mr. Peck emphasized that building positive relationships with the police, youth and their families is the foundation of the program. In addition, School Resource Officers maintain the roles of law educator, law counselor and law enforcer. Resource Officers offer classroom presentations on topics such as internet, bike and Halloween safety. They also read aloud to elementary students and engage in discussions with older students on legal issues in Government and Social Studies classes, drug and alcohol programs, and programs on vehicle safety.
After Mr. Peck's informative presentation, Omega members worked together to make support bags to distribute to local school resource officers.
Summer Reads

Summer Reads is a long-standing tradition in the Omega Chapter. It was created as a way for members to stay connected over the summer months. Each spring members suggest book titles that focus on a specific theme or purpose. The Executive Board then selects one of the recommended books for the Summer Reads. Chapter members purchase, borrow or share these books. In September, the Chapter hosts the author and/or a book discussion.
Omega members could choose from three books for Summer 2017: Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and a Culture in Crisis, by JD Vance; Mindset, the New Psychology of Success, by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D; and Mindsets in the Classroom by Mary Cay Ricci.
Previous selections have included Life in a Jar by Jack Mayer, Queen of the Bremen: The True Story of An American Child Trapped in Germany During WWII by Marlies Adams Difante, Summer in a Glass by Evan Dawson, Relative Danger by Charles Benoit and The Reading Promise by Alice Ozman.
Omega members could choose from three books for Summer 2017: Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and a Culture in Crisis, by JD Vance; Mindset, the New Psychology of Success, by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D; and Mindsets in the Classroom by Mary Cay Ricci.
Previous selections have included Life in a Jar by Jack Mayer, Queen of the Bremen: The True Story of An American Child Trapped in Germany During WWII by Marlies Adams Difante, Summer in a Glass by Evan Dawson, Relative Danger by Charles Benoit and The Reading Promise by Alice Ozman.
Manchester One-Room Schoolhouse (MORS)

The Coonsville one-room schoolhouse, also known as the Manchester District #12 School, has been moved to its new home on the Midlakes School Campus. This one-room schoolhouse is a representation of all early schoolhouses. The schoolhouse has been renovated and furnished with as many authentic furnishings as possible. It is used as an educational tool to give today’s children a realistic understanding of what school life was like in the country areas. Teachers, who teach our youth, use this schoolhouse as a field trip. It can also be used as a meeting place for local historical society events and re-enactments of old-time school days complete with a school marm and bell.
Omega Chapter helps support the MORS project and is working to make the One Room Schoolhouse an authentic teaching tool.
- Omega Chapter funded a picket fence with a gate in front of the schoolhouse. A plaque will read: Donated in honor of the sisters of Omega Chapter, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
- Omega Chapter Members have donated items needed for the schoolhouse. Donations are tax-deductible. Still needed are: books: cursive letter charts for the wall; globe; ink wells; lunchboxes; manuscript; old-fashioned games; old-fashioned music; photos; piano; and stools.
- Members are encouraged to share their experiences about one-room schoolhouses.
- Members who are willing to interview others for their stories (do not have to be members in Omega Chapter) should contact Peg Snyder.
- Members may purchase MORS bricks for the walkway. Donation is $50 a brick and may be donated in honor or memory of a loved one. The message can be up to three lines of 15 characters or spaces per line.
In August 2014 Omega member Lois Ludwig and her husband Fred Ludwig donated 45 school books, including a set of 36 Paths to Knowledge books and 9 miscellaneous books that were printed between 1881 and 1927. The books included were part of the library in the Sloop Landing School District #9 in Huron, NY and were donated to the Clifton Springs Historical Museum to be displayed at the Midlakes One Room Schoolhouse.
For more information contact Peg Snyder.
Omega Chapter helps support the MORS project and is working to make the One Room Schoolhouse an authentic teaching tool.
- Omega Chapter funded a picket fence with a gate in front of the schoolhouse. A plaque will read: Donated in honor of the sisters of Omega Chapter, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
- Omega Chapter Members have donated items needed for the schoolhouse. Donations are tax-deductible. Still needed are: books: cursive letter charts for the wall; globe; ink wells; lunchboxes; manuscript; old-fashioned games; old-fashioned music; photos; piano; and stools.
- Members are encouraged to share their experiences about one-room schoolhouses.
- Members who are willing to interview others for their stories (do not have to be members in Omega Chapter) should contact Peg Snyder.
- Members may purchase MORS bricks for the walkway. Donation is $50 a brick and may be donated in honor or memory of a loved one. The message can be up to three lines of 15 characters or spaces per line.
In August 2014 Omega member Lois Ludwig and her husband Fred Ludwig donated 45 school books, including a set of 36 Paths to Knowledge books and 9 miscellaneous books that were printed between 1881 and 1927. The books included were part of the library in the Sloop Landing School District #9 in Huron, NY and were donated to the Clifton Springs Historical Museum to be displayed at the Midlakes One Room Schoolhouse.
For more information contact Peg Snyder.